This home is known as the Achilles Pugh House. Achilles Pugh lived from 1805 to 1876 and is buried in Miami Cemetery. He was an Orthodox Quaker. Achilles Pugh was an active abolitionist and participant in the Underground Railroad movement that helped fugitive slaves traveling North. He, along with James Birney, owned and published The Philanthropist, an anti-slavery newspaper in Cincinnati. After antiabolitionists ransacked his office and threw parts of his press into the Ohio River, Pugh moved his paper to the corner of Seventh and Main Street in Cincinnati. Mobs also attacked this location. Cincinnati’s mayor, Samuel W. Davis, intervened before a fire was started at the press. Pugh, knowing his paper would have no future in Cincinnati, moved his newspaper to Springboro for a short period. Pugh was a marked man in Cincinnati because of his abolishionist views. Much money was secretly passed through Pugh and given to aid the passage of the fugitives through the Underground Railroad network. The Pugh family moved to Waynesville in 1854 and bought all the land occupied by the present day Subway and Mc Donald’s and up South Street to Quaker Hill. Achilles did return to Cincinnati and re-established his business there. He would travel from Waynesville to Cincinnati by train every day to work. His newspaper remained family owned until the early 1980’s. Records show that this house was built by him in 1876. The home was also owned by Keller and Anna (Furnas) Hoak. Anna was a sixth Generation Quaker. The current owner, Maureen Mc Dermott is the granddaughter of Keller and Anna Hoak.